UPPSC PCS Exam 2021 Notification, Application, Eligibility & Selection Process

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released the UPPSC PCS Notification Recruitment 2021. UPPCS will make the recruitment process on 400 posts. You can gather UPPSC PCS Vacancy details 2021 from below.

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission

UPPSC PCS Recruitment 2021

Advt. No.:: A-1/E-1/2021


Important Dates

  • Notification Released: 05-February-2021
  • Application Started: 05-February-2021
  • Last Date To Apply: 02-March-2021
  • Last Date To Submit Fee: 02-March-2021
  • Edit Form: 05-March-2021
  • UPPSC PCS Pre Exam: 13-June-2021
  • UPPSC PCS Admit Card Availability: June 2021

Application Fee

    • For General/OBC/EWS: Rs. 125/-
    • For SC/ST/Ex-Serviceman: Rs. 65/-
    • For Handicapped: Rs. 25/-
    • Pay Exam Fee Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, UPI.

Number Of Vacancies: 400 Posts

Name Of Posts


Combined Upper Subordinate Services
  • 21-40 Years
  • 02/07/1981 to 01/07/2000
  • Age Relaxation Applicable as per rules.

UPPSC PCS Important Links

UPPSC PCS ApplyApply From Here
UPPSC PCS NotificationClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here
UPPSC PCS Correction Form

Click Here

UPPSC PCS Form SubmissionClick Here
Submit UPPSC PCS FeeClick Here

UPPSC PCS Exam 2021:

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission conducts the UPPCS exam to recruit good candidates to their state government functionaries in provincial civil services and other state services. Candidates get posted in various departments of Uttar Pradesh government. Marks in UPPSC PCS Exam defines the department where the candidates get recruited.


UPPSC PCS 2021 Eligibility Criteria:

There are various factors where UPPSC PCS 2021 Selection depends. UPPCS Exam Selection procedure is as given below:

UPPSC PCS Educational Qualification:

In the below-given table, we tried to show the UPPSC PCS Educational criteria according to the posts. You can follow the UPPCS Exam table to know more:

Name Of PostEducational Qualification
Sub Registrar, Assistant Prosecuting Officer(Transport)Law Graduate
District Basik Shiksha Adhikari /Associate DIOS and Other equivalent administrative posts, District Administrative OfficerPost Graduate Degree
District Audit Officer (Revenue Audit)Commerce Graduate
Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-I) /Assistant Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-II)Degree in Science with Physics or Mechanical Engineer As one subject
Assistant Labour CommissionerDegree in Arts with Sociology or Economics as a
subject or Commerce/Law
District Programme OfficerDegree in Sociology or Social Science or Home
Science or Social Work.
Senior Lecturer, DIETPost Graduate Degree with B.Ed
District Probation OfficerPost Graduate Degree in Psychology or Sociology or
Social Work or any qualification equivalent thereto or
Post Graduate Diploma in any Branch of Social Work from any recognised Institute of Social Work.
Child Development Project OfficerGraduate Degree in Sociology or Social Work or
Home Science or any qualification equivalent
thereto recognised by the Government
Designated Officer /Food Safety Officer(1) Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry as one of the
subjects from a University established by law in India
or a qualification recognised by the Government as
equivalent thereto,
(2) At least one of qualification prescribed for Direct
Recruitment to the post of Food Safety Officer given
as below:
A Bachelor’s Degree in Food Technology or Dairy
Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or
Agricultural Science or Veterinary Sciences or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Post Graduate Degree
in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine from a recognised
University, or any other equivalent/recognised
qualification notified by the Central Government,
Provided that no person who has any financial
Interest in the manufacture, import or sale of any
article of food shall be appointed to be a Food Safety
Statistical officerPost Graduate Degree in mathematics or Mathematical
Statistics or Statistics or Agricultural Statistics from an
university recognized by Law in India or it’s equivalent
a qualification recognised by the Government.
District Cane Officer, U.P. Agriculture Service Group
“B” (Development Branch)
Agriculture Graduate
Labour Enforcement OfficerBachelor’s degree with Economics or Sociology or
commerce and Post Graduate Diploma or Postgraduate
Degree in Law /Labour relation /Labour welfare /Labour
Law /Commerce /Sociology /Social work /Social
welfare /Trade Management /Personnel Management.
Principals, Government Intermediate Colleges
(For Boys or Girls)
(i) A post-Graduate Degree from a University established
by law in India or a degree recognised by the Government
as equivalent thereto.
(ii) L.T. Diploma of the Department of Education, Uttar
Pradesh, or B.T. or B.Ed. or an equivalent Degree of a
At least three years of teaching experience in High School
or Intermediate Classes or Classes higher than above
from a College or University established by law in India or
any such Institution recognised by the Government.
Assistant Research OfficerA Post-Graduate Degree in Chemistry from a University
established by law in India or a degree recognised by the
Government as equivalent thereto.
Assistant Director (Horticulture)Agriculture Graduate
Manager (Administration /General)M.B.A. or Equivalent Degree
Assistant Store Purchase OfficerM.B.A.
Technical Assistant
Post-graduate Degree in Chemistry with a minimum of 50
per cent marks from a University established by law in
  • For the Post of Assistant Conservator of Forest:- ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION A Bachelor’s degree with at least one of the subject namely Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geology, Forestry, Statistics or a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from a University established by Law in India or a Foreign University approved by the Central Government from time to time, or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.
  • PREFERENTIAL QUALIFICATION: A candidate who has (1) served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period of two years, or (2) obtained a “B” certificate of N.C.C. shall other things being equal, be given preference in the matter of direct recruitment.
  • FOR THE POST OF RANGE FOREST OFFICER:- ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION- A Bachelor’s Degree with two or more of the subjects, namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Forestry, Geology, Agriculture, Statistics, Horticulture and Environment or Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Science from a University established by Law in India or possess a qualification recognized by the Government as equivalent thereto.
  • PREFERENTIAL QUALIFICATION – A candidate who has:
    • (I) Served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period of two years, or
    • (II) Obtained a ‘B’ Certificate of National Cadet Corps, or
    • (III) Represented the state in any game, shall, other things being equal, be given preference in the matter of direct recruitment

UPPSC PCS Age Limit:

The commission follows the given structure for UPPSC PCS Age Criteria:

  • Minimum Age limit- 21 years
  • Maximum Age Limit – 40 years on July 1

If you are looking for UPPSC PCS Age Relaxation criteria 2021, then look at below table:

Category   Age relaxation providedMaximum Age Limit
OBC5 years43 years
SC5 years45 years
ST5 years45 years
PwD15 years55 years
Skilled players of U.P. of Classified Games, State Govt. Employees of U.P. including Teachers/Staff of the Basic Shiksha Parishad of U.P. and Teachers / Staff of the Government Aided Madhyamik Vidyalaya of U.P. i.e. they must have not been born before 2nd July 1974.

UPPSC PCS 2021 Physical Standards:

UPPCS Physical Standard post wise:

Post NameCategory



All Category

ST Only

All Category

ST Only

D.S.P. & District Commandant Home GuardsHeight

165 CMS

160 CMS

152 CMS

147 CMS


84-89 CMS

79-84 CMS



Superintendent JailHeight

168 CMS









Excise InspectorHeight

167 CMS


152 CMS

147 CMS






Deputy JailorHeight

168 CMS


152 CMS







District Youth Welfare and Pradeshik Vikash Dal OfficerHeight

167.7 CMS

160 CMS

152 CMS

147 CMS






UPPSC PCS Selection Process

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission follows the same step as UPSC do for Civil Services Examination. The selection stages are as given below:

  • Prelims Exam
  • Main Exam (written)
  • Interview

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