The Sealdah to Dankuni Train Time Table is one of the most crucial train timetables for passengers who want to reach Dankuni from nearby cities. Now, many trains run from Sealdah to Dankuni. So, we have shared the Sealdah to Dankuni Train Time Table for your convenience. So, ensure you don’t miss any train running from Sealdah to Dankuni. So, keep reading for more details about the Sealdah to Dankuni Train Time Table.
Sealdah To Dankuni Train Time Table
The train schedule from Sealdah to Dankuni is as follows. All the trains start from Sealdah and reach Dankuni. The Sealdah to Dankuni Train Time Table is provided here, along with the train name, train number, arrival and departure timings, and the route map. The Sealdah to Dankuni train timings table is given below in the form of your convenience.
Route – Sealdah To Dankuni
The Sealdah-Dankuni train schedule is as follows: all trains leave from Sealdah and reach Dankuni. The timetable for these trains, including the train’s name and its number, the time of departure, and arrival at Dankuni station, is provided along with a map. You can find out more about these trains by looking up their destination in PDF format on our Timings table below. Also, Visit
Important days to know Sealdah to Dankuni Train Time Table
Some crucial days are mentioned here in the Sealdah to Dankuni Train Time Table. Please go through the details here.
S.No. | Train Routine | Timing | Km & Duration |
1 | 32211 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 04:07 DKAE 04:50 | 29 Km 00h 43m |
2 | 32213 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 04:58 DKAE 05:44 | 29 Km 00h 46m |
3 | 32215 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 05:42 DKAE 06:25 | 29 Km 00h 43m |
4 | 32217 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 06:05 DKAE 06:50 | 29 Km 00h 45m |
5 | 32219 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 06:48 DKAE 07:31 | 29 Km 00h 43m |
6 | 32221 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 07:46 DKAE 08:30 | 29 Km 00h 44m |
7 | 32223 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 08:24 DKAE 09:07 | 29 Km 00h 43m |
8 | 32225 SDAH DKAE LOCAL MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT | SDAH 08:48 DKAE 09:31 | 29 Km 00h 43m |
9 | 32227 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 09:52 DKAE 10:34 | 29 Km 00h 42m |
10 | 32229 SDAH DKAE LOCAL MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT | SDAH 10:15 DKAE 11:02 | 29 Km 00h 47m |
11 | 32231 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 10:52 DKAE 11:37 | 29 Km 00h 45m |
12 | 32233 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 12:14 DKAE 12:57 | 29 Km 00h 43m |
13 | 32235 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 13:25 DKAE 14:07 | 29 Km 00h 42m |
14 | 32411 SDAH BRPA LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 14:12 DKAE 14:56 | 29 Km 00h 44m |
15 | 32237 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 15:28 DKAE 16:12 | 29 Km 00h 44m |
16 | 32239 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 16:07 DKAE 16:47 | 29 Km 00h 40m |
17 | 32241 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 17:18 DKAE 18:02 | 29 Km 00h 44m |
18 | 32243 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 18:08 DKAE 18:50 | 29 Km 00h 42m |
19 | 32245 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 19:07 DKAE 19:50 | 29 Km 00h 43m |
20 | 32413 SDAH BRPA LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 20:42 DKAE 21:28 | 29 Km 00h 46m |
21 | 32247 SEALDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 21:34 DKAE 22:17 | 29 Km 00h 43m |
22 | 32249 SDAH DKAE LOCAL DAILY | SDAH 22:23 DKAE 23:07 | 29 Km 00h 44m |
23 | 36811 HWH BWN LOCAL DAILY | HWH 04:00 DKAE 04:21 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
24 | 36813 HWH BWN LOCAL DAILY | HWH 04:55 DKAE 05:16 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
25 | 36071 HWH GRAE LOCAL DAILY | HWH 05:05 DKAE 05:26 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
26 | 36081 HWH MSAE LOCAL MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT | HWH 05:45 DKAE 06:06 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
27 | 36815 HWH BWN LOCAL DAILY | HWH 06:10 DKAE 06:31 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
28 | 36817 HWH BWN LOCAL DAILY | HWH 07:07 DKAE 07:28 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
29 | 36819 HWH BWN LOCAL DAILY | HWH 08:25 DKAE 08:47 | 15 Km 00h 22m |
30 | 36031 HWH CDAE LOCAL DAILY | HWH 08:45 DKAE 09:06 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
31 | 36821 HWH BWN LOCAL DAILY | HWH 09:30 DKAE 09:51 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
32 | 36011 HWH BRPA LOCAL MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT | HWH 09:40 DKAE 10:01 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
33 | 36823 HWH BWN LOCAL DAILY | HWH 10:15 DKAE 10:36 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
34 | 36033 HWH CDAE LOCAL DAILY | HWH 10:30 DKAE 10:51 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
35 | 36825 HWH BWN(CHORD) LOCAL DAILY | HWH 11:22 DKAE 11:43 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
36 | 36827 HWH BWN(CHORD) LOCAL DAILY | HWH 12:05 DKAE 12:26 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
37 | 36829 HWH BWN CHORD LOCAL DAILY | HWH 13:32 DKAE 13:53 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
38 | 36035 HWH CDAE LOCAL DAILY | HWH 13:50 DKAE 14:11 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
39 | 36831 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 14:45 DKAE 15:06 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
40 | 36083 HWH MSAE LOCAL SAT | HWH 15:05 DKAE 15:26 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
41 | 36833 HWH BWN (CHORD) LOCAL DAILY | HWH 15:35 DKAE 15:56 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
42 | 36085 HWH MSAE LOCAL DAILY | HWH 16:25 DKAE 16:46 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
43 | 36835 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 17:27 DKAE 17:43 | 15 Km 00h 16m |
44 | 36837 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 17:33 DKAE 17:54 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
45 | 36037 HWH CDAE LOCAL DAILY | HWH 17:55 DKAE 18:16 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
46 | 36839 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 18:05 DKAE 18:26 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
47 | 36841 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 18:30 DKAE 18:51 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
48 | 36843 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 18:57 DKAE 19:18 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
49 | 36087 HWH MSAELOCAL DAILY | HWH 19:22 DKAE 19:43 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
50 | 36845 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 19:47 DKAE 20:08 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
51 | 36847 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 20:20 DKAE 20:42 | 15 Km 00h 22m |
52 | 36849 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 21:00 DKAE 21:22 | 15 Km 00h 22m |
53 | 36851 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 21:42 DKAE 22:03 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
54 | 36853 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 22:10 DKAE 22:31 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
55 | 36855 HWH BWN (CHORD)LOCAL DAILY | HWH 23:15 DKAE 23:36 | 15 Km 00h 21m |
Sealdah to Dankuni Train review
Dankuni is the last station on this train journey. It is important to note that the difference in time between Dankuni and the previous station is about 2 hours.
The Sealdah to Dankuni train journey takes about 75 minutes end-to-end. This is one of the longest train journeys in a country of over 150 million people.
The Sealdah to Dankuni train has a departure time of about 22:40 from Sealdah. It reaches Dankuni at about 23:36 the next day.
The Sealdah to Dankuni Train Time Table is a must-have tool to plan your train journey. The Sealdah to Dankuni Train Time Table, the Sealdah to Dankuni fare chart, the Sealdah to Dankuni train route, and the Sealdah to Dankuni train timings can help you plan your next train journey.