BSEB had Released Bihar board 12th exam date 2020 on November 16, 2019. The examinations are going to start from February 06, 2020 and will end on February 16, 2020. Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) has released the entire timetable for the academic year 2020. However, students can download their Bihar board 12th exam date 2020 through the link provided below. Through newspapers, we come across the entire schedule. Students can refer the dates as mentioned below. We also provided date sheet below.
Latest: Bihar board 12th exam date 2020 is now out. Check the entire schedule from below.
Bihar Board 12th Exam Date 2020
Practical exams for class 12 will be held from January 15 to January 29, 2020. Students who want to view the dates of 2020 exams can look at the table given below. The timetable is now available on its official website. Now, have a look at the table to know further about the dates.
Time Table: Students can Download Bihar Board 12th Exam Date 2020 from the official website:
Bihar 12th Admit Card 2020 | Bihar 12th Result 2020
Procedure to download the Bihar Board 12th Exam Date 2020
Here in this section, we have provided the steps for downloading the BSEB 12th Time Table 2020 So, students who have appeared for the exams can apply the steps at the time of checking the exam dates. Furthermore, you can get the timetable via the link provided on this page. Now, read the steps presented below.
- Visit the link of timetable available on this page. You can also check its official website i.e.
- When you click, a new page will appear on the screen
- Here your BSEB 12th timetable 2020 in the PDF format.
- Now, check exam dates carefully.
- It will in pdf format, download it as per your convenience.
List of the Subjects in BSEB 12th Time Table 2020
As we know that the exam timetable has the subjects and many more things. Students must note their subject details. So, for their help, we have given below the list of subjects.
- Biology
- Entrepreneurship
- Language Subjects
- Physics
- Yoga & Physical Education
- N.R.B. & M.B.
- Chemistry
- Music
- Agriculture
- Mathematics
- Home Science
- Economics
- Philosophy
- R.B. Hindi
- Computer Science
- Multimedia & Web Technology
- Foundation Course
- History
- English
- Accountancy
- Vocational Trade I
- Vocational Trade III
- Accountancy
- Vocational Trade II
- Political Science
- Business Studies
- Geography
- Psychology
- Sociology